Here at Dream Catcher, one of our core values is this: We inspire and empower the wedding community to shift toward a new normal of sustainability. We think it’s well past time for this massive and impactful industry to start taking our planet’s needs seriously, but we also know that the amount of change required will not happen easily, nor all at once. It’s a step-by-step process. As long as we’re all taking small steps in the right direction, we will soon find ourselves living in a world that we feel good about handing off to the next generation. We are never looking to shame or blame those who aren’t implementing perfect sustainability practices, because honestly, is anybody? Our goal is simply to provide the resources and support needed to help each business within this larger community grow and incorporate more earth-friendly practices.
Below is a list of 20 ways that wedding venues can practice social and environmental sustainability. The opportunities are truly endless, and what works for one venue may not work for another. So let this be a starting point, a spring board for your own ideas on how wedding venues can implement sustainability into their everyday practices. Every venue is different and the ways that venues can practice caring for people and planet are nearly endless! With a desire to do good and a little creativity, I’m sure you can think of many more items to add on to this list.
Donating a percentage of profits to charity
Using LED or solar powered lights only
Minimizing energy consumption (i.e. motion-sensor lights, installing dimmers on light switches)
Having on-site accommodations, or shuttle service to nearest accommodations
Working with only local vendors when possible
Refusing to use single-use plastics (i.e. eliminating plastic water bottles, plates, and cutlery)
Minimizing water consumption (i.e. dual flush toilets, low flow water features)
Using reusable towels for cleaning or hand-drying
Offering decor, table, linen, and other rentals leftover from past events
Using only organic pesticides in gardening
Capturing rainwater for garden/lawn
Xeriscaping grounds instead of having grass lawns
If catering: Using only locally + sustainably farmed food, donating leftover food to a local charity
Designing the venue to let in as much natural light as possible, minimizing energy consumption
Installing solar panels and using only solar power
Building the venue using up-cycled materials
Growing vegetables or flowers on the property to be used in weddings
Purchasing carbon credits to offset all energy use
We are always seeking to learn more about sustainability in every area of wedding planning, so if you have any suggestions for how we can expand this list, don’t hesitate to let us know! We all have so much room to grow, and the work is so much more effective and rewarding when we do it together.
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